Political Polarisation, Civic Culture, and Social Capital in Indian and the US Democracy
Academic Essays
They typically follow a clear thesis statement, supported by evidence and analysis drawn from scholarly sources. Academic essays in political science often engage with existing theories, debates, and literature in the field, aiming to contribute new insights or perspectives. They are expected to adhere to rigorous standards of research and citation, demonstrating critical thinking and scholarly rigour. Due to their academic nature, sources and claims are put to a higher scrutiny by the editorial board.
The Role of Conscience, Liberty, and Right in Political Obligation
Understanding Crime, Human Deviance, and the Morality of the State
Deconstructing India's Welfare State: Ideals, Failures, and the Quest for Balance
Shifting Media Narratives: Populism, Anti-Globalisation, and Political Appeals in Brazil’s Discourse on Poverty
Synthesising Dharma and Danda: Exploring Regulation of Political Power in the Arthasastra
Privatisation, Economic Reforms, and Alternate Movements: A Study of Indian Labour Movements in the 1990s
Changing Politics for Changing Times: Nationalism in the Era of Anthropocene
Of Refugees and Immigrants: The Political Language of the Body in a Humanitarian World
Analysing Political Will in Public Policy: A Feminist Comparative Analysis of Manazir's Public Policy Framework through Devaki Jain's Lens
Behind the Booth: Decoding the Indian Voters’ Dilemma
The Grammar of Everyday Practice: Tactics and Strategy in the Everyday
Climate Change: A Threat to Human Rights
Understanding Conflicts And Human Stupidity Through The Lens Of Political Science
The Return of Mercantilism? How India and the World are Rethinking Trade Strategies
GDPR and DPDP: A Comparative Analysis on User-Centrism
Why So Many Ramayanas?: A Sociological Perspective
Of Majoritarianism, Marginalisation, and Manipur
Astropolitics: A Holistic Perspective On Modern Geopolitics
Why Caste Differs in Punjab Politics?
The Emerging Paradigm: Examining the Role of State and Big Tech Firms as Political Units in the ‘Tech-Era’
Multiculturalism and Feminism - Distinguishing Amongst Cultural Practices A review of Susan Moller Okin’s “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?”
Recontextualising the ‘Colonial’: Unveiling the Indian Constitution’s Cosmopolitan Tapestry
5-4-3-2-1: The Dragon Tales
The Great Fall: McCarthy’s Ouster and Republican Political Cannibalism in the House of Representatives
Comparison of the role of religion in the political systems of Iran and Saudi Arabia